Spello 'Risina' beans

The ancient risina legume was likely introduced in Umbria in the neighboring zones of the Trasimeno Lake from the Romans. The cultivation was carried out in traditional manner and entirely manually, on small areas and mainly for auto consumption, it was well known until the 50’s. Subsequently, with the social changes and the modern transformation of agriculture, it has rarefied almost to the point of being considered extinguished.
The cultivation of the "Vigna Unguiculata subs. Unguiculata" – the Risina, practically disappeared in the last decades. The organic farm Cuore Verde resumed the cultivation and revalued this ancient legume, dedicating four years to the reproduction of the seed, starting from a small quantity of exceptional flavor and delicacy (also perfect along with fish), gained the appreciation of all the famous Italian chef. The Risina is in the range of products safeguarded by Slow Food. The recognition and the approvals obtained (to begin with chef Vissani) persuaded us to increase the production to few thousands of confections a year and present it to the wide public in ‘98 at the Salone del Gusto in Turin. Nowadays, it is used by many of the most famous Italian restaurateurs which have acknowledged and recognized its very fine quality.